Name: Email: Age: URL: Homepage Title: How'd you stumble into these digs? Couldn't possibly remember Tripod Lycos AngelFire Geocities Yahoo! Xoom AOL (yeah, like I'd admit it) Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button Clicked on our Banner Advertisement A Friend A Foe Search Engine (pardon me, I mean "portal site") News Group Some other poor schlump's guestbook Check to make this message private. Comments:
How'd you stumble into these digs? Couldn't possibly remember Tripod Lycos AngelFire Geocities Yahoo! Xoom AOL (yeah, like I'd admit it) Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button Clicked on our Banner Advertisement A Friend A Foe Search Engine (pardon me, I mean "portal site") News Group Some other poor schlump's guestbook
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